DRCN is a well-established annual forum for scientists, engineers, designers and planners from industry, government and academia who have interests in the reliability and availability of communication networks and services. The conference covers topics from equipment and technology for survivability to network management & public policy, through theory and techniques for survivable and robust networks and application design. The aim of the conference is to bring together people from industry, government and academia in those disciplines in a lively forum.
Extended version of accepted papers are targeted for consideration in a special issue of Springer’s Journal of Network and Systems Management.
The 11th DRCN edition will be held in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. The conference will be enriched by a set of tutorials and invited talks. We seek papers that address theoretical, experimental, systems-related and regulatory issues in the area of dependability and survivability of communication networks, end-systems and infrastructure.
Submission of papers for review November 25, 2014
Submission of short and poster papers December 20, 2014
(Work-in-progress papers also welcome)
Acceptance notifications January 15, 2015
Short papers acceptance notifications January 20, 2015
Camera-ready papers due January 29, 2015
Tutorial sessions March 24, 2015
Start of the conference March 25, 2015
Short Papers: 4 page limit
Poster Paper (Extended Abstract): 2 page limit
All submissions should be written in English with a max. paper length (all included) of 8 double-column printed pages (10-point font) including figures. All papers must be formatted according to the IEEE manuscript template for conference proceedings and submitted via EDAS. At least 1 author of accepted papers must be registered to the conference as presenter in order to appear in the proceedings.
A PDF version of the Call for Papers can be downloaded here.